For venous blood collection: When you welcome the patient…

For venous blood collection: When you welcome the patient…

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's experiences and obtain consent

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's hair color and obtain consent

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's experiences and discuss your outfit

What is not correct? The quality of the blood sample depends on…

What is not correct? The quality of the blood sample depends on…

the correct vein selection only

the skills of the staff collecting the blood sample

the correct product selection based on the patient's condition

Mit kell figyelembe venni vérvételkor?

Helyezze a szennyezett anyagot a beteg elé.

Helyezze a szennyezett anyagot a beteg elé.

Az éles tárgyak és az éles tárgyak ártalmatlanítAz éles tárgyak és az éles tárgyak ártalmatlanítására szolgáló tárolónak ugyanazon az oldalon kell lennie.ására szolgáló tárolónak ugyanazon az oldalon kell lennie.ps disposal container should be on the same

Which is the world region with the by far highest proportion of people who are infected with hepatitis B

Which is the world region with the by far highest proportion of people who are infected with hepatitis B


South-East Asia

Western Pacific

Which of the following product types has the lowest risk of a dirty needlestick injury, if used correctly?

Which of the following product types has the lowest risk of a dirty needlestick injury, if used correctly?

A device with a semi-automatic safety mechanism

A device with a safety mechanism for manual activation

A device without a safety mechanism
