How should the bevel of the needle be oriented when performing venipuncture?

How should the bevel of the needle be oriented when performing venipuncture?

Bevel facing up

Bevel facing down

It does not matter

How can a properly prepared workplace look like for venous blood collection?

How can a properly prepared workplace look like for venous blood collection?

There is only one right answer for our Blood Collection Sets. Find it!

There is only one right answer for our Blood Collection Sets. Find it!

Orange wings stands for 23 gauge needle size

Green wings stands for 23 gauge needle size

Green wings stands for 21 gauge needle size

What is not correct? The quality of the blood sample depends on…

What is not correct? The quality of the blood sample depends on…

the accurate labelling only

the selection of the correct blood collection tube

the proper transport to the laboratory

For venous blood collection: When you welcome the patient…

For venous blood collection: When you welcome the patient…

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's experiences and obtain consent

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's hair color and obtain consent

gather information on diet, allergies (latex), the patient's experiences and discuss your outfit
